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Let's FALL into Health

Updated: Mar 26, 2023

I know, I'm not ready yet either to pack away my flip flops but life doesn't always give us options. Everyone has their favorite season, for one reason or another but I truly believe there is a reason for every season.

Here are some of my favorite ways to FALL into Health.

High Protein Breakfast

Recreate your breakfast routine. Start your day off with a high protein breakfast to fuel your body for the day. You will be energized and ready for anything thrown your way.

Exercise in Nature

Fall is a great time to get out in nature, enjoy the crisp air and enjoy the beautiful colors around you. My favorite thing to do is head out for a family walk/hike. If you are feeling adventurous give kayaking a try. Take advantage of a warm fall day by bringing your mat outside for Pilates. A dose a Vitamin D and exercise.

Switch Up Your Skincare Routine

With cooler weather on the way, fall is a great time to switch up your skincare routine. Just like our diets, our skin needs variety too. A moisturizing cleanser and thicker moisturizer will have your skin looking vibrant by the holidays. And don't forget to continue to use sunblock when headed outdoors.

Get Your Fruits and Veggies

Just because summer is over doesn't mean you have to skimp on produce. Acorn squash, delicata, butternut and pumpkin just to name a few. And let's not forget those apples. No better time then fall to bite in. Get creative with butternut squash and pear soup or try adding roasted potatoes, grilled corn and chopped apples to a salad.

Slowing Down is Not Just for Summer

When we plan for time to relax and kickback with family and friends, we can stay focused and positive throughout the work week. Pick a day and mark it on the calendar just like you would a doctor appointment. Taking time to unwind, create memories and recharge your mind and body is just as important as your other scheduled appointments.

Revisit Your Sleep Routine

I love longer days during the summer, but there is a good chance your sleep routine is off because of it. Start by picking your wake up time and then work your way back giving yourself between 6 and 8 hours of sleep. Getting on a schedule will help you feel more rested when you wake in the morning.

If nothing else, at least take time to enjoy nature's show of colors this fall.

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