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Supporting the Lymphatic System

Your lymphatic system works much like your circulatory system. Instead of delivering blood to the body, the lymphatic system keeps things in balance for your immune system and prevents various illnesses. Because it doesn’t have a central organ to keep things flowing, there are several ways to prioritize stimulating the lymphatic system for your best health.

These tips will help you support the lymphatic system so you can reap the benefits.

Engage in lymphatic massage

The lymphatic system requires the movement of smooth muscles to move fluids through lymph vessels. Any massage will help, especially with a professional therapist trained in decongestive lymphatic therapy. However, there are strategies you can do yourself, like dry brushing or using a jade roller to get things moving.

Drink your water

Water helps flush out the lymphatic system. Since it’s necessary for your overall health anyway, make sure you’re drinking it regularly.

Submerge yourself in water too

Being in water – hot or cold – can also help you engage that lymphatic system. Steaming your skin with water stimulates capillaries which open up and release toxins. Head to the sauna, or simply let the steam from your shower help you out. When you alternate between hot and cold water, it also helps this type of circulation.

Try apple cider vinegar

The naturally acidic nature of apple cider vinegar can bind toxins that can help you get them out of the body. Apple cider vinegar also contains potassium that can clear mucus away and refresh your lymph nodes. A great way to try it is by making your own salad dressing using apple cider vinegar as the base.

Add cardio workouts to your routine

You likely know that cardio is excellent for your cardiovascular health. A cardio workout brings on more sweat which can help you drain your lymphatic system. Don’t worry if you’re not a fan of Zumba; simply jumping up and down on a rebounder provides a fun and effective cardio workout that can help your lymphatic system drain effectively.

Engage in deep breathing

Our stressful lives have us taking more shallow breaths than breathing deeply. Center your focus so that you aim to breathe deeply for your lymphatic system. Yoga and meditation are great ways to do this. Your lymphatic system will benefit even if you stop for a few moments each day to engage in deep breathing practices.

Eat healthy, fibrous foods

Finally, one of the best tips to help you support the lymphatic system is to eat foods full of fiber. This will help get toxins out of your digestive system -- things like berries (especially cranberries), citrus fruits, leafy greens, and seeds are the most beneficial to include in your diet.

Try these tips to support your lymphatic health and see how you feel better.

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